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Kidsize Ltd. STAFF

Our Kidsize Ltd. staff work at our holiday clubs, workshops and parties and events all over Aberdeen. They are all super passionate about working with children!

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Corinne Millar

Corinne is the owner of Kidsize. Corinne is a Primary School Teacher at Stoneywood Primary. In her free time Corinne runs her own Rangers unit, has been a qualified leader for 7 years and is heavily involved with Girlguiding in Kingswells. She has previously coached several competitive netball teams across Aberdeen and continues to coach her own school team. Corinne also worked for a children entertainment company for almost 3 years. Corinne is passionate about creating memorable, engaging and enjoyable experiences for children in all aspects of her career, business and volunteering and enjoys finding new ways for Kidsize to grow and expand!

Belle Rose

Belle is one of our Holiday Club Managers. She is great with kids and used to work at nursery in Kingswells as well as having past experience in children's entertainment. Belle has previously worked in a Toddlers group in Kingswells and now also runs her own toddlers group in Westhill. Belle also runs a Brownies unit in Kingswells. She often babysits and has done so for a few years now. Belle is also the Depute Manager at Kidsize Out of School Club. Belle has a super bubbly personality and the kids love her for her fun nature!


Jenna Millar

Jenna is one of our Holiday Club Managers. She has graduated from college where she received a diploma in Graphic Design. Jenna also has an SVQ3 in Playwork and is currently working on her SVQ4, She has previously worked for children's entertainment company for over 2 years and in a hotel in Kingswells. She loves arts and crafts and is the designer at Kidsize, she has designed everything from our logo to our website! Jenna also loves musical theatre, especially singing. Jenna is also the manager at Kidisze Out of School Club. Jenna is also a trained face painter and does Kidsize parties at the weekends.

Rachael Sellers

Rachael is our Party and Events Manager,our Holiday Club Activity Coordinator and our Social Media and Marketing Manager. Rachael is also Lead Practitioner for Kidsize Out of School Club but is taking a year off from the school club to go travelling! Rachael has lots of experience of working with children and vulnerable adults from previously working in a nursery and from volunteering for the charity SeeMe, she also was a carer for Cornerstone. Rachael has achieved her SVQ3 in Social Services, Children and Young People. Rachael is also a trained face painter.


Cali Bissett

Cali is our Events Assistant. She has of experience with babysitting family and friends children over the years. She also works as a practitioner at our Out of School club where she is working towards her SVQ3 in Social Services, Children and Young people. Cali has a love for art and has volunteered for the event NuArt that takes place in Aberdeen for 5 years. Cali is caring and has a passion for looking after children. 

Aimee Thom

Aimee has experience working with children through babysitting family members and friends. Aimee also helped her mum when she was a brownie leader come up with themes and organise activities. Aimee loves netball and danced since she was 2. Aimee always has a smile on her face and has the CRAZIEST dance moves.



Lucy is currently studying Sports Science at North East Scotland College. Lucy thoroughly enjoys dancing and has danced for over 10 years. In her free time she helps teach younger children dance, and if she isn't teaching she is probably performing on stage! Lucy also works at our Out of School Club.


Sasha is very sporty and enjoys being active, she has played netball for nearly 10 years. She has recently been babysitting for several families around Aberdeen but has always looked after younger cousins and family members. Sasha is currently studying Criminology at University. Sasha also works for our Out of School Club. Sasha is so much fun and we love having her on the team!

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Georgia Mitchell

Georgia works at Kidsize holiday clubs and workshops and is also one of our amazing party leaders. She loves getting creative and having lots of fun entertaining children and joining in too. She has had experience working with children through babysitting family members and helping her mum in the Kingswells nursery. Georgia always has a big smile on her face, sharing it with everyone at Kidsize!

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Rhia will

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Laura Mcintosh 

Rhia is one of our fantastic party leaders! Rhia is full of energy and loves being creative. She is currently studying Neuroscience at University but in her spare time she enjoys painting and kayaking. Rhia worked for 2 years at a children's entertainment company, and spent her summer in 2019 working at a kids activities camp. Rhia is great at facepainting and loves singing Disney songs!

Laura is one of our fabulous Holiday Club staff members. She has recently graduated from the University of Aberdeen and is now a primary school teacher in Aberdeen. In her spare time she enjoys baking and anything musical. She has worked with a wide variety of children throughout her university career as well as babysitting and managing a summer school in Edinburgh! She is a big lover of all things Disney and actually spent Christmas at Disneyland in California last year!

Laura Mcintosh 

Laura Mcintosh 

Abby Reid

Abby is a party entertainer and part of the holiday club team at Kidsize. Abby became part of the team after volunteering for a while before! She is always smiling and very friendly, she enjoys baking, travelling and listening to music. She also has lots of younger siblings so has plenty of experience looking after kids!

Laura is one of our fabulous holiday club leaders and mainly works at Altens. Laura became a mummy in 2017 and after working as a nurse for ten years, wanted a change of direction working with children. She has babysat in previous years for family and friends. Her favourite time of year is Christmas, enjoys crafting, baking and loves anything Disney. 

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Laura Winton

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Leah Wilson

Leah is one of our party entertainers and holiday club leaders. Leah is enthusiastic and loves working with children. She is super kind and caring also! Leah also works at our Kidsize Out of School Club.

Sally is one of our fabulous party entertainers and holiday club leader. She has attended dance, gymnastics and drama classes since she was 3 years old and loves to dance and sing. Sally's family are foster carers and have been since she was 5 so she has had lots of experience with young children.

Sally Stewart

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Neeve Yule

Neeve is a holiday club leader and party entertainer at Kidsize. 5 years ago when Kidsize started Neeve attended our holiday clubs as a Kidsizer, she then volunteered with us for 3 years until she was old enough to join the team so Neeve knows Kidsize inside and out! After school Neeve dreams of travelling round Europe and then becoming a primary teacher. She loves baking and has played netball for the past 5 years. Neeve also started helping out at a brownie unit at the beginning of the year.

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Rebecca is one of our fabulous holiday club leaders. She studies psychology at North East Scotland college. Rebecca loves working and playing games with the children and making sure they have a good time. She enjoys when music is on and everyone is dancing showing off their funky moves. Rebecca also loves baking and music. Rebecca is also part of our Kidsize Out of School Club team!

Rebecca Farquharson

Sophie is part of our holiday club team and is an entertainer at Kidsize. She is energetic and loves to join in with the fun! Sophie first volunteered for a year at Kidsize before joining the team. She dreams of traveling and working with kids when she’s older.

Sophie Douglas

Ella buchan

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​Ella is part of our Holiday Club team and is an Entertainer at Kidsize. She is on her second year studying Musical Theatre at Edinburgh College with Performing Arts Studio Scotland, she has always loved to sing, dance and act from a very young age. She has performed on stage in dance shows, musicals and pantomimes and has even danced on cruise ships. Ella also helps out at her dance school where she teaches all the tap classes while also assisting with Ballet and jazz.

Roxi is part of our Holiday Club team at Kidsize. She leads loads of fun activities and makes sure the children have the best time. She is also a teacher for a P2 class just now, she loves being with friends in her free time and her favourite food is pizza.

Roxi stEIB

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Claudia Kemp

Claudia is a holiday club team member and entertainer at Kidsize. She was a Kidsizer herself when she was younger and now loves being a part of the team. She has danced for 12 years and has experience working with lovely kids through dancing and helping at brownies. When she is older she would love to travel with friends and make great memories.

Jack joined the Kidsize team in Summer 2022. In his last year for school he did a volunteering course where he did a placement with children, doing activities, sports and planning events. After that placement Jack knew that he would like to work with children as a job. There are so many things he enjoys doing at Kidsize from the crafts, activities, working and communicating as a team with staff and children. He enjoys seeing all the children smiling and make friends with others. In his spare time he likes to watch films, listen to music and spend time with family and friends.

Jack Angus


Chiamaka ekekwe

Chiamaka is one of our party entertainers and holiday club staff. She has previous experience working with children at a charity’s summer camp. She loves crocheting and doing crafts with the kids. She is passionate about netball and has played it for 7 years. In the future she would like to be a doctor and perhaps work in paediatrics.

Sophie Mckenzie

Sophie loves working with a variety of age groups, working as a support worker at Kidsize OOSC and also as a youth worker with teenagers. Sophie has also worked as a PSA within ASN classrooms helping children with a variety of needs. It is so important to her that she can cater to each child's individual needs. Sophie loves planning and getting involved in activities that all the kids can enjoy especially messy play ones that the older kids can find just as fun as the younger ones.


Angel george

Angel is a holiday club leader and party entertainer here at Kidsize. She loves playing the piano, attending her drama classes and enjoys playing basketball in her free time. Through volunteering at her local Girlguiding unit, Angel has also gained lots of experience working with children. She is fun and enthusiastic and loves to put a smile on everyone's faces!

Claire robertson

Claire is one of our Premium Face Painters. She is a mum of five and has a genuine passion for art and children. She is a registered childminder and has been for 11 years and has achieved her SVQ3 in Social Services, Children and Young People. She loves her job childminding! She also graduated from Grays School of Art work in 2007. With her love for art, she began face painting for many years for her family but decided to begin doing it professionally 8 years ago and since then has completed several courses through the years. Claire is also a trained make up artist and completed the PLouise course in 2019

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Becca Craig

Becca loves all things Disney and Musical Theatre. She is a certified dance teacher and also has years of background working with children in fields such as children's entertainment and out of school club.  Becca now owns her own Dance School - RC Performing Arts. Becca became a Mummy in 2019 to a little girl!

Faye wilson

Faye is a holiday club leader and party entertainer at Kidsize. Before joining the team, Faye volunteered with Kidsize for a year. She loves forming meaningful connections and relationships with the children she works with and has had experience supporting other groups of children through volunteering at her local rainbows unit for five years. She has danced for over eleven years and acted in a theatre group for seven. Faye dreams of becoming an art therapist, combining her love for art with her passion for helping people. She loves Disney, animals and anything rainbow!


Krystal Buckingham

Krystal is a party entertainer and holiday club team member! She has previous experience working with children through drama classes and being a young leader at a girl guiding unit. She loves musical theatre and music, as well as crochet and crafting. In the future, she hopes to travel Europe and become a vet.

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